Toddler Days in Hudson Quebec
No cares.
No worries.
Just fun.
That's exactly what it feels like to be a toddler.
All day, everyday, I would sit in the warmth of our Hudson home...
either I'd play with my sister's toys or sit in the "Sun Room" and soak up some rays!
But my absolute, top favorite thing to do in my home was to sit in front of the built-in heater in our kitchen and create stories and adventures within
Barbie's world.
Of course, the moment I would hear my sister's school bus pulling to a halt in front of our house, I would rush the dolls
back to their spots where my sister had left them.
However, it's never a good idea to keep a kid inside for too long...
When playing with my sister's Barbies seemed a bit risky, my Mom and I would venture to the great outdoors... A.K.A. our backyard!
There was so much to discover... swings, slides, streams, frogs and endless cloud watching.
Of course those warm, summer days couldn't last forever and there was soon a nip in the air. Crisp, colorful leaves covered lawns,
transforming them into an array of reds, oranges and yellows.
Soon, more and more jack-o-lanterns adorned the neighbors' door steps and this meant one thing... Halloween was on the prowl.
Hudson is the place for trick-or-treating. In my eyes the bonus was that the houses were pretty close together! I'd always return
home with a heavy pillowcsae.
For my parents, however, they liked Hudson for trick-or-treating because of the safety. There is
no community as safe as Hudson, Quebec.
Everyone knows everyone else and is always willing to lend a hand!
It's not long after October 31st when the trees are bare and the first snowflakes fall. Snowmen, snow angels, snow forts, sledding, ice-skating and
hot chocolate follow quickly!
With the Christmas tree standing prominently in our living room, my Mom would pull out the recipe book...
"Christmas baking time girls," she would announce.
That meant butter tarts and chocolate truffles.
There was no time like Christmas time.
But of all my toddler days spent in Hudson, Quebec the best of all were...
Warm, Summer Evenings Spent Golfing
When the golfing season began, my Dad, sister and I would hop up, over the fence in our backyard and onto the golf course.
My Dad would hit a few balls as my sister and I would play tag, roll in the grass and enjoy the sweet scents and sentiments of a Hudson summer.
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